Displaying 1-33 of 33 results
01 Jul 2021... Easy Read booklet for women with a disability that discusses domestic and family violence. It includes topics like identifying an abusive relationship, understanding the effect of violence on children, and breaking free from the cycle of abusive relationships.
01 Jul 2022... There are some important things you can do to stay safe and ensure you have a valid visa. You can use the checklist to help as part of safety planning.
31 Dec 2022... This document in Plain English provides information on what consent means in the context of a sexual, romantic, or intimate relationship or interaction. Consent means agreement or permission. It gives details on what is, and what isn't considered to be consent.
08 Aug 2023... This video explains what consent is, how it relates to the law in Australia, and what you should do before touching someone or engaging in any sexual act. It also gives some examples of how to ask for and give consent, and how to respect someone’s choice.
08 Aug 2023... This video explains what sexting means, how it relates to the law in Australia, and what you should consider before sending or receiving sexual messages, images or videos.
08 Jul 2024... Everyone deserves the right to consent to who they marry . Learn the difference between arranged and forced marriages, the legal consequences, how to recognise the signs of forced marriage, and the support available to help you or someone you know.
01 Jun 2024... Jean Hailes developed translated educational presentations for health professionals, educators, social workers, bicultural workers, community workers and leaders to help deliver health information to women and girls in-language. The resources are for a general audience with limited health literacy in plain language, so they are practical and easy to understand. This presentation includes information on s exual health and sexuality, the importance of consent, different types of contraception, unplanned pregnancy and abortion.
07 Jun 2024... This resource is part of a conversation starter resource “Equality and respect for Hakka Chin and Mandarin speaking women in Melbourne’s east” developed for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence in 2024. It is a poster that says "Equality and respect is showing that house work and care work is everyone's job".
This booklet is all about what makes a healthy romantic or intimate relationship. It gives help on how to talk about consent, sex, and conflict in relationships, as well as talking to your family about your relationship.
31 Dec 2022... This document in Plain English helps explain what sex is, and that ‘sex’ can mean different things to different people. It could be touching, rubbing or kissing private body parts, or having sexual intercourse.
05 Mar 2024... This factsheet explains that coercive control is when someone uses patterns of abusive behaviour against another person. Over time, this creates fear and takes away the person’s freedom and independence. This dynamic almost always underpins family and domestic violence. This resource explains how to recognise the signs of coercive control and what to do if you are experiencing it.
01 Dec 2023... This brochure provides a guide on how to have conversations about pornography. It explains as to what is classified as porn, what to and why to teach about it.
08 Aug 2023... This video explains what the age of sexual consent means, and what the legal consequences are for breaking the law.
14 Mar 2021... An Easy Read Guide to being safe when dating.
14 Nov 2022... This resource answers some commonly asked questions about health relationships and consent. What is consent? What is enthusiastic consent? Things to know about consent What does everyday consent look like?
01 May 2024... Speaking to other people about sexual consent is a step we have to take to keep young people safe and set them up for future success.
05 Apr 2023... People living with HIV (PLHIV) can have relationships, have sex and have children without passing on HIV. A positive person might feel nervous when starting a relationship with someone who doesn’t have HIV. With the right information, treatment and support, PLHIV can have healthy sex and relationships.
01 Dec 2022... This brochure provides a guide on how to teach the difference between public and private and in which order and why it is important to teach. It explains: • The differences between the public and private places, body parts, behaviours and talk. • Some of the exceptions to the definitions to teach. • Some suggested resources and activities for teaching.
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information on how separating affects your payments and help with child support arrangements between separated parents. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
07 Jun 2024... This resource is part of a conversation starter resource “Equality and respect for Hakka Chin and Mandarin speaking women in Melbourne’s east” developed for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence in 2024. It is a poster that says "Respect is treating your partner as an equal".
13 Mar 2022... This brochure explains reproductive coercion, which is when someone pressures or controls your decisions about having children or using contraception. It includes actions like hiding birth control, pressuring pregnancy, or controlling abortion decisions. It shares warning signs, tips for help, and support contacts.
01 Jul 2021... The booklet, originally published by the Tweed Shire Women's Services Inc, now published by the Legal Aid NSW Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services (WDVCAS), outlines the cycle of abuse in domestic and family violence and how to break free of controlling, abusive or violent relationships.
Fact sheet guide to relationships, domestic abuse and coercive control. Coercive control is abusive behaviour used to cause fear and/or control a person or situation. This type of domestic violence is known as domestic abuse and can go undetected in intimate partner or family relationships for years.
31 Dec 2022... This document in Plain English explains what makes a healthy romantic or sexual relationship, ways of beginning, maintaining, and ending relationships, and behaviours that are not O.K. in relationships.
31 Dec 2022... This document in Plain English explains that anything a person does, or can learn to do, in order to keep their body safe is called a protective behaviour. These protective behaviours are important to know about when it comes to someone’s body and sexual behaviour. These include knowing your body, recognising behaviours that are O.K. or NOT O.K., such as early warning signs, knowing the difference between safe surprises and unsafe secrets, and knowing how to get help from trusted people and safety teams when feeling worried or unsafe.
14 Nov 2022... This resource answers some commonly asked questions about libido, or sex drive. What is libido? What can affect a person's libido? When does high or low libido become an issue?
01 Dec 2022... This brochure teaches about what the difference is between wanted and unwanted touching. It provides examples of what yes or no may sound or look like and what consent is.
01 Dec 2022... This brochure provides a guide on how to have conversations about online dating. It provides teaching tips and things to consider before, during and after exploring online dating.
01 Jun 2020... How do you know if you are in an abusive relationship? Use this fact sheet to identify behaviours that are abusive.
This translated, subtitled video outlines the family support services available to help parents raise their children. It emphasises the creation of a safe and nurturing environment for children as a priority and provides information on the kinds of supports that are available to children, their parents and carers in Victoria.
01 Dec 2021... This brochure uses illustrations to show what the law says about sexting on your phone or the internet. It explains what sexting is, and offers ways to stay safe when online.
14 May 2017... An Easy Read Guide to help you learn to be safe when someone is doing something you don’t want them to do.
Centrelink/Services Australia has multilingual information about starting and ending a relationship. It explains how changes in your situation can affect your payment. Documents are bilingual. The English version is included in each translated resource. Please scroll down to access the English text.
Any resource that has been reviewed in the past 3 years and complies with the Health Translations Editorial Guidelines will have a tick.